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Risen - vostfr (2016)


Director: Kevin Reynolds
Writers: Kevin Reynolds (screenplay), Paul Aiello (screenplay) 

Stars:  Joseph Fiennes, Tom Felton, Peter Firth

Year:  2016

Language:  vostfr


“Risen” is the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection and the weeks that followed, as seen through the eyes of an unbelieving Clavius (Joseph Fiennes), a high-ranking Roman Military Tribune. Clavius and his aide Lucius (Tom Felton) are instructed by Pontius Pilate to ensure Jesus’ radical followers don’t steal his body and claim resurrection.


When the body goes missing within days, Clavius sets out on a mission to locate the missing body in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem.

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